Library Card Policy
The Home Township Library issues a library card at no charge to any resident or property owner in the townships of Home, Day and Belvidere upon proof of current residency or property ownership. Library cards are renewed every 3 years on the date the card was issued.
Any other Michigan resident will be charged a $20.00 annual fee, per family.
REGISTRATION: Required registration information, as applicable, includes: name, address, telephone number and birth date. Consent from a parent or legal guardian assuming financial responsibility will be required for a minor.
PROOF OF RESIDENCY: A valid driver’s license or picture ID with current address or a picture ID with one of the following for proof of residency; license, tax receipt, voter registration card, Michigan identification card, property deed, utility bill, bank checks with imprint of name and address, or mortgage/lease agreement will be accepted as proof of current residency.
LOST CARDS: There is a $3.00 replacement charge for lost, stolen or ruined library cards starting 3/15/05.