Daily fine: To encourage the prompt return of materials, the library
charges a $.15 per day per item, overdue fine on books, magazines,
audiobooks and informational videos. Entertainment videos are charged
$1.00 per day. The daily fine is not meant to be a punitive measure,
but a means to make library materials available to as many users as
possible in a timely fashion. It is the responsibility of the card
holder to return all materials on time. Patrons with fines cannot
borrow items until the fine is paid in full. If a patron has fines or
overdue materials that total $40 or more they will be sent to Unique
Management Collection Agency.
Maximum fine: The maximum fine on any overdue material will not
exceed $4.95 for books and audios and $10.00 for videos or DVD's. If an
item is lost/damaged and paid for by the patron, any fine that has
accumulated on the item will be waived.
Bill for Replacement: It is the responsibility of the patron to
return materials in good condition. If an item is lost, the patron must
pay the replacement cost for the item. The replacement cost will be
the actual cost of the item as indicated on the library's computer
data-base. The library will also accept an exact duplicate of the item
that has been billed for replacement in lieu of payment. There will be
no refund on lost books found after a patron has paid for that lost
item. The book can be donated to the library or the patron may keep it.
Damaged materials: If an item is damaged to the extent that it can
no longer circulate in the collection; the patron is responsible to pay
the replacement cost for the item.
Claims returned: When a patron claims an item has been returned, a
search will be put on the item. It is expected that the patron will
continue to look for the item while the library searched for it. Fines
will continue to accrue. If the item is not located within 30 days the
patron may be responsible for the item.